‘Tis certainly true that The Reds need a veteran manager who will hold young players accountable for mistakes made on the field and at the plate, and that they understand the need to be diligent with their conditioning. The same goes for Bengals coaches who, in addition to changing their preseason philosophy, must take a Mike Tomlin/Andy Reid approach when dealing with wide receiver divas and mouthy cornerbacks.

But solving coaching and player problems will do little good if the culture (yes, culture DOES exist in organizations) of the franchises is crafted by owners who extort tax money from their community and are comfortable receiving annual corporate welfare checks from their leagues. This system creates a “cycle of dependency” for owners and their families that can last for generations. There is no incentive to build and sustain a competitive team and atmosphere. Players eventually see this and either succumb to it or move on.

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I would even link your comments on leadership to education. I’ve been teaching for 20+ years and our students keep learning less and less. When you create an environment where you are not held accountable, you foster failure and excuses. Being a Pro is a job and the boss has to hold them accountable. It’s easy to let lots of guys cut corners when they are super talented but it only makes the team toxic.

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Command Presence. Like Tyler G said, Krall has none of it. And he’s not good at his job, relatively speaking.

A backup player’s father told me the players got to choose when they get to the ballpark. Doesn’t sound right.

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs ago

Spent a month and a half in Providence as in my late 20s. Arrived in Newport as the America's Cup races were unknowingly occuring (which I had never heard of before), did some Vista volunteer work up in Providence (aquaculture experiments in solar greenhouses we built), painted the exterior of one of the eastside mansions near Brown with an old, angry Italian painter, did some quahagging, and met some fantastic, super nice people. Love Providence. Cool, cool town. So historic. I still have a few sketches left that I did of the old brick sidewalk settings on the eastside during fall.

RI is a Hidden Gem of a state. Built to the human scale. Things fit so nicely.

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Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

Leadership is the ability to persuade others to do what they otherwise may not do. Leadership techniques can vary from person to person, situation to situation. A good leader is fair to all but understands individuals are unique and may require some tailoring. A good leader praises in public and punishes in private. They did a good job with showing very good leadership skills on Friday Night Lights. And also poor leadership.

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Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

I have no answer for the Reds. Wish I did. I know the teachers that were the hardest on me got my best. My trip in the fall to the east was breathtaking but while checking out the homes on the Cliff Walk of the Newport mansions all I could think of was saying"honey I'm home" was not going to make it in those huge dwellings

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Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

Great assessment of both the Reds and Bengals. I think Dusty and Marvin will end up having better records than Bell or Taylor. Dusty would likely win with the current Reds roster if he could improve their health. We haven't been to Block Island but one of our favorite trips was to Wentworth By the Sea followed by a few days in Boston at the Marriott Timeshare near Fanuel Hall. We hope to do it again in the near future. Boston and Whitefish, MT are my two favorite food destinations.

I really liked that Cat Stephens album and the TOD. Great choice.

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I don’t quite understand why Nick Krall gets to pick the next manager. I assume he’ll be gone if the team doesn’t greatly improve next year. I guess it’s because he inherited Bell, but he did resign him last year (when he could have brought in his own pick). That along with bad FA signings seems like it should spell his demise.

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Bob has ceded lots of the decision making to Krall (on the field) and Phil ( off).

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I’m really wondering why Krall wasn’t dismissed also. He could have made a manager change last year and decided on Bell. That turned out to be a bad call. Don’t you think if things don’t turn around in ‘25 that Krall will be gone then and they will be stuck with his manager (or at least paying him)? I suppose a healthy team probably improves the record by default no matter who is in the dugout.

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Checked out then.

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Great article on what the Reds need. I hope the young sports fans who say old guys like us that think tough love is the road to success are Neanderthals will listen to guys like India who understand it also. You are also right about Bengals. Taylor had success at first because the players stopped listening to former coach who was 0-6 in his playoff philosophy. I am beginning to think same thing happening again.

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Meanwhile, Portland, Oregon, plans to build a MLB park on their south shoreline. I've heard nothing of expansion.

The Portland Red Lumberjacks?

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Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

Great timing. I am actually going to Providence for the first time next week, for work. Never been to New England.

Agree with all points on Reds needing a different personality in the dugout. Sweet Lou vibes...

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They say the 1970’s produced the best music in the history of mankind. Why was this early 1970’s instrumental earworm a worldwide hit and why are you popping your lips and moving your heard from side to side?


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You win, now leave! LOL!

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Horrible song but it will test anyone’s aerobic capacity while trying to whistle it in the shower.

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Now my wife and I are whistling Hot Buttered Popcorn. Game on! Pop Musik, talk about, Pop Musik!

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

John, I was 8 years old when I first heard that song on this TV commercial. My mom ordered it for me and it came two months later. My very first album and I know the words to every one of those songs. I wore that record out.


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Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

When we visited Boston in September 2012, we took a train to Providence and spent a few hours there. Somebody needed to add Rhode Island to his states visited list. Walked around and had a snack before heading back to Boston.

Pleasant. Nice train ride. Wish we had train service here. Enjoyed watching high school kids doing their daily commutes.

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Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

I think this team needs a kick in the pants similar to what the Nats did with their SS who stayed out all night and gambled. They also need to stop with the retreads such as France, and the parade of scrub outfielders they brought in earlier this summer. the 5 year window of Elly and the starters is closing by the day.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

Good insights on management and managers. I think we all want to look up to the people, or person, we work for, especially if we see them succeeding. If they are good Managers, we see them being happy and sharing their business success with us, but we also see their serious side where their job is important to them. Their workers want to please the person who promotes them into better jobs. They want to learn from good management. It's important that a good staff works best as a Team Member. They want to be respected as good employees. People who are managers can be untouchable, or even unreachable. They need to be seen and they need to give out atta boys in front of peers at work. But they also want their managers to stand by their words and keep the staff flowing and interested in what they are doing. Skill education is mandatory. Everyone needs to feel needed and each day they need to feel they are being successful by being recognized, even if it's just with "Good morning" and a smile to start their workday. I was a manger for many years and I managed with sugar, not vinegar. I saw people as people, not as someone on a tier lower than myself just because of their title on our Corporate Chart at work. My workers wanted to work with me. They improved my knowledge and confidence as their leader through their kind comments and growth in the business. I did my best to recognize people with promotions and give them opportunities and direction to improve themselves on their job. When I had to fire someone, which was the hardest for me, I spent time explaining their good traits, so they left the room not in tears, or with anger, but with hope to find something that fit them better. I guess I owe it all to Phych in College. My hobby is in reading people. It has helped me through life everyday.

Cat Stevens can get in your head for sure. The one he gets me with is "Silver Spoon" which always brings tears to my eyes as it's my son's story and life. Your pick is a good one, and makes a sad, but true, statement. "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot..." always resonated in my brain. Your trip took you to an escape hatch...one I we all need, for sure.

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Sep 25Liked by Paul Daugherty

I live in a worse baseball area than Cincinnati these days—the Rockies ownership, management, and record makes the Redlegs look like champions! Look it up! The Broncos aren’t much better, still living in the glory years of Peyton Manning and John Elway. I want the Reds to be successful again, even though I date their present failure to when they unloaded Cueto, Leake, and that group. The Bengals, I believe, lucked out in that Super Bowl year and the ownership’s unwillingness to keep good players will keep them looking up at the Steelers forever.

Earworms drive me crazy, so I’m not going to even think about what the last one was! The NHL and NBA teams are both in town for training camp, so who cares about baseball!!

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